jeohunter 3D وخام الحديد

JeoHunter 3D System - More information

The JeoHunter 3D Dual System is designed to locate the most profound treasures, metal objects or cavities. To locate a metal object, these properties are classified into four


NOKTA Jeohunter 3D Dual System Metal Detector

The Nokta Jeohunter is a professional detector with ease of finding metals in difficult soils at extreme depths. Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional treasure hunter, the Nokta


KRB Metal Detectors Worlds Best Metal Detectors

Jeohunter 3D Dual System is the most advanced graphical imaging system, capable of drawing 2D signal graphs of detected targets in real time. The multifunctional search and detection features allow the user to search


Jeo Hunter 3D - Ground Detectors

Jeohunter 3D Dual System is the most advanced graphical imaging system, capable of drawing 2D signal graphs of detected targets in real time. The multifunctional search and



The scans can be saved on the Jeohunter 3D's computer. The Jeohunter 3D can be used on almost all types of soil, including rocky areas, rocks and mineralized soils. The delivery of


Reviewing the Makro JeoHunter 3D Dual System

One of the best models available in the two box metal detector series is the Makro Jeohunter 3D Dual System. This metal detector has outstanding metal discrimination and separates metals into four categories which are


Nokta/Makro JeoHunter 3D Metal Detector Windy City

The NEW Jeohunter 3D Dual System allows you to see your finds as you detect them in the soil. The full-color, 3D image shows you a real-time analysis of the shape, depth, size,


Nokta Jeohunter 3D Dual System Metal Detector (Open Box)

In addition to accurately detecting and analyzing metal objects, Jeohunter 3D Dual System is also capable of detecting cavities underground like caves, cellars, tunnels, shelters and


Detector de Metales Jeohunter 3D Dual System

Jeohunter ofrece a su usuario la búsqueda e investigación de objetos de forma simple y cómoda, gracias a su diseño con una pantalla de uso práctico; lo que la diferencia de
